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Settings & How Tos

Learn about different available options for your social proof notifications

How to remove ProveSource from Wix
How to Configure a Cookie Consent Service
ProveSource Custom CSS
Sub Accounts
ProveSource JS API
Add Capterra Reviews to your website
Find your Instagram username
Show Product Sales on Product Page with Shopify
Google Tag Manager Custom Event Trigger (DataLayer)
Find your YouTube Channel ID
Find your twitter handle
Find your Facebook page name
Notification text design & style with markdown and HTML
How can I stop showing notifications using code?
How to upload an image to Imgur & use it with your notifications
Add nice looking icons to your notifications with Icons8
Include / exclude specific products
Show conversions from visitor's country first
Show location flag instead of text
Exclude pages / URLs
How can I export my feed events and captured leads?
Delete Events / Reviews
Display Notifications in a Random Order
Add a Map Icon to Your Stream Notifications
How can I edit my notification?
Find Your Google My Business Link, Google Maps Link or Google Place ID
Hide Product Details or Disable Product Link
Change Notifications Sort Order / Priority
ProveSource Supported Localizations & Languages
Hide notification's location
Absolute URLs vs Clean URLs
Hide Stream Notification Time If Greater Than [time]
Control Mobile Notifications Position
Add Call-To-Action to Your Notification
Prevent Users from Seeing Their Own Conversion
How can I change "Someone" to something else?
Track Conversions Using a Thank You Page
Show Notification Only Once per Session
Show All Conversions as Anonymous
Filter Anonymous Conversions
Loop Notifications
How Can I Localize My Notification?
How To: Work With URL Patterns
How To Hide the Exact Time Passed
Showing All Time Events
Configure Notifications to Be Clickable
URL Match Types
Hide the Exact Number of Events
Setting a Time Frame and Minimum Limit
How To Let Users Opt-Out Of Seeing Notifications
How To Let Users Dismiss / Close Your Notifications
How to hide or change notification size on mobile
Changing Position of Notifications
ProveSource Event Filtering Guide
How to Include or Exclude Events from Specific Countries