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Integrating ProveSource with Podia
Integrating ProveSource with Podia

Learn how to add ProveSource to your Podia pages

Inbal Eting avatar
Written by Inbal Eting
Updated over 3 weeks ago

It only takes a few minutes to setup ProveSource on your Podia site. Once you are done, we'll start displaying your visitors activity and increase your conversion rates right away!

NOTE: The Advanced Analytics feature is available on the Podia Earthquaker plan

Conversion Tracking

Use Zapier to send Podia events with ProveSource.

Create a webhook notification in your ProveSource dashboard:

First, in your ProveSource account you need a notification that tracks Webhooks, in the notification's Track step pick webhook and save it.

NOTE: this is mandatory or you won't have notifications to chose from in Zapier customize event

Set up a Zap in Zapier:

  1. Choose Podia as the trigger app and select the actions you'd like to showcase (e.g., new purchases, course enrollments, etc.).

  2. For the action, search and select ProveSource

    If you're already logged in to ProveSource - your Zapier will automatically connect. Otherwise, you will have to signup/login to ProveSource before signing in in Zapier.

  3. Under "Event" select "Send event":

  4. Now you need to pick a notification to send the data to, only notifications that use Webhook in the Track section will be displayed here:

  5. Fill in the rest of the fields with data from other Zapier steps or use static/custom data. The only required field is email, the rest will make for better notifications though.

  6. Turn on your Zap, and ProveSource will automatically receive your chosen Podia events.

Need help? Check out:

Install ProveSource on Your Site to Display Notifications​

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the dropdown menu in the top-right corner of the main navigation.

  2. Click on Site Settings > Analytics

  3. Scroll down until you see the “Custom code” section

  4. Grab your ProveSource snippet and paste it into the text area labeled “Website tracking code”

Steps 1 & 2

Steps 3 & 4

5. All you have to do now it to head over to your ProveSource dashboard, and create a notification. You can create a Stream, Conversions, Page Visits, Live Visitors Count and more.

6. You can use the Form Submission (not checkout) tracking option to track signups automatically.

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